Healthy Relationships Project ®

Child sexual abuse prevention that works

The Healthy Relationships Project ® includes three content areas: school-based programs, adult-focused programs, and a training of trainer model for both school-based and adult-focused programs.


School-based Programs

The school-based component of the Healthy Relationships Project ® (HRP) is comprised of 4 school-based programs with these components: student lessons, parent events, parent newsletters, and educator, staff, and administrator training. Click above to learn more.

Adult-focused Programs

The adult-focused component of the Healthy Relationships Project ® is called the Adult Responsibility Project (ARP). This program includes training for adult audiences with eleven distinct topics. Topics cover risk factors for child sexual abuse and how to implement protective factors. Click above to learn more.

Training of Trainers Events

For both the school-based and adult-focused components of the Healthy Relationships Project ®, Live Virtual Training of Trainers Events are regularly on the calendar to prepare professionals to implement the programs. Click above to learn more.

The Healthy Relationships Project ® is based on the scientific understanding in the field about how to prevent this trauamtic adverse childhood experience. Attendees of the school-based and adult-focused programs show increases in their knowledge of how to keep children safe and also leave the program with real prevention skills. Click the buttons below to see our amazing evaluation results.

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