Family Support Programs are offered online free of charge to Vermont parents and families.
PCAVT does not discriminate in the delivery of services or benefits based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Circle of Parents
Circle of Parents is a professionally facilitated, peer led self-help support group for parents and other caregivers. Circle of Parents offers participants the opportunity to explore their parenting in a safe and confidential weekly group. Parents come together and share their experiences, challenges and successes. Parents learn they are not alone and they can change the way they raise their children. Circle of Parents is co-led by professionally trained volunteer(s) and a parent leader, who is a group member. Meetings are usually for 1.5 hours. There are no fees or dues to attend.
Nurturing Parenting Programs
Nurturing Parenting Programs are curriculum-based, parenting education programs that work with the whole family. Families participate in 2 hour fun, educational sessions that meet weekly for 9 to 18 weeks, depending on the particular program and curriculum. The programs are appropriate for anyone who wants to improve their family life. There are no fees or dues to attend.
Strengthening Families Programs
Strengthening Families Programs (SFP) are evidence-based parenting and life skills training programs designed to improve outcomes for parents with substance use disorders and to prevent substance use in their children. Studies over the years show that, in addition to being very effective in preventing substance use in children, the program also improves family functioning, reduces violence and abuse, and has positive impacts on children’s mental health.
InsideOut Dad®
InsideOut Dad™ is a curriculum for incarcerated fathers that bridges the gap between the inmate father and his children. Through this program, inmate dads deal with their pasts in order to discover their futures – and the possibility that they can parent differently from their own, often absent, fathers.
Prenatal Program
Coming Soon!
Family Support Team
The Family Support Team is comprised of the Family Support Programs Director and four Family Support Programs Coordinators.
The team members give presentations, attend partnership meetings, and cultivate potential collaborative relationships with a variety of organizations and entities. Collaborating partners may provide referrals of families, meeting space for programs, volunteers to help provide programs, as well as advertising and promotion. Programs are carried out by the Coordinators and trained volunteer facilitators under the supervision of a Coordinator.
The Family Support Team can be reached by phone or email at:
Michelle Richling | Family Support Programs Director
802-498-0606 |
Michelle Parent | Family Support Programs Coordinator
802-498-0613 |
Becca Pedersen | Family Support Programs Coordinator
802-552-4267 |
Chrissy Bayer | Family Support Programs Coordinator
802-909-2999 |
Heather Niquette | Family Support Programs Coordinator
802-498-0607 |
For more information, please call: 1-800-CHILDREN (1-800-244-5373) or 1-802-229-5724.
You can also e-mail us at: