Circle of Parents is proud to recognize the following outstanding Parent Leaders for 2025…
The Family Support Programs Department at Prevent Child Abuse Vermont (PCAVT) partnered with UVM’s Larner School of Medicine to conduct research…
At Prevent Child Abuse Vermont, we want to honor Lois McClure’s legacy and extend our gratitude to her family for the love and care they provided to her in recent years…
After 38 truly gratifying years of effective prevention programing across the State and in some instances nationally, I am stepping down from the role of executive director and into the role of consultant…
After 38 years of extraordinary service, Linda E. Johnson has officially retired as Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Vermont (PCAVT), effective January 2025.
Prevent Together has launched a National Plan to address child sexual abuse and exploitation through six key areas. The Plan focuses on inclusive and culturally sensitive strategies, aiming to keep children safe and make abuse unacceptable in all communities.
An extensive investigative report by Jason Moon, recently published by VTDigger, has exposed a troubling history of abuse at New Hampshire's Juvenile Justice Center that spans over a century.
In this post, we delve into the intricacies of two significant bills, S.204 and H.645, their implications, and the ongoing efforts to enact positive change for our state's children.
In a recent article published on Islander News, the shocking reality of child trafficking is brought to light.