A Seat at the Virtual Training of Facilitators in Project SELFIE (Safe Expression Online for Internet Empowerment) Feb. 19th and 20th from 10am to 11:30am Eastern Time (Seat is free to Vermonters)

TOF Project SELFIE for Store.jpg
TOF Project SELFIE for Store.jpg

A Seat at the Virtual Training of Facilitators in Project SELFIE (Safe Expression Online for Internet Empowerment) Feb. 19th and 20th from 10am to 11:30am Eastern Time (Seat is free to Vermonters)

from $200.00

Each attendee will need to have a Project SELFIE Kit at their location during the training. Please select the option that fits your situation:

$200 - I am a Vermonter and I already own a kit

$550 - I am a Vermonter and I am purchasing a kit

$400 - I already own a kit

$500 - I want to preview a kit (for 30 days)

$850 - I am purchasing a kit

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