Vermont Early Childhood Forum on Childcare

In response to the Coronavirus crisis impacting Vermont’s children, families and early childhood partners, Building Bright Futures invites you to a series of forums to answer your questions about childcare.    Representatives from Vermont’s Child Development Division will be available to answer questions and clarify guidance. Parents, childcare, after school providers and early childhood partners are invited to participate. Questions can be submitted in advance by clicking here.   Topic: Childcare   Representatives from the Child Development Division participating include: Melissa Riegel-Garrett, Policy Director Child Development Division and  Karen Bielawski-Branch, Home Visiting Program Administrator, Children’s Integrated Services   Forum Dates: Fridays, 1-2 pm on April 10, April 17 and April 24   How to join: Click on this link to join from your computer, Or call in 646-558-8656 meeting ID: 415559023   For more information view our Coronavirus resource ~