Prevent Child Abuse Vermont’s Dr. Marcie Hambrick was invited to provide testimony on a new House Bill to make it illegal for adults use manipulating behaviors with the intention of sexually harming a child. We have seen, in the news, accounts of adults who stepped across boundaries and sexually harmed a child. Oftentimes that abuse was preceded by a period of manipulation to get access to the child, to isolate them, and to confuse them. Child sexual abuse is an adverse childhood experience that is associated with worse health and mental health consequences for survivors. Research indicates that these behaviors create worse harm to the victim, which should be addressed by the law.
PCAVT supports House Bill H.173 to expand the statute prohibiting luring a child to also prohibit manipulating behaviors intended to facilitate sexual contact with a child. This legislation will protect children from adults who mean to harm them.
(Marcie’s testimony starts at the 29 min mark)