Celebrating National Parent Leadership Month: Honoring Tonnie Cantore, National Parent of the Year

National Parent Leadership Month is celebrated each year during the month of February. 

The goal of this month-long observance is to empower and honor parents. This month is a great time to recognize parents and commend them for their important role in raising the future! During this month, we are reaching out to let parents know about the great resources at PCAVT available all year long:  Parent Support Groups, the Vermont Parent Home Companion, and the Vermont Parents' Helpline.

Tonnie Cantore, National Parent of the Year

In Vermont, we offer several Circle of Parents Support Groups. This year, one of our parent leaders, Tonnie Cantore was nominated and received the National Parent of the Year Circle of Parents Award.   

Tonnie is the Parent Leader of our Circle of Parents for Single Mom’s. This group has met weekly for the past 3 years, and Tonnie very naturally stepped into the Parent Leader Role.

Word cloud featuring various words that we beleive describe Tonnie, highlighting key qualities and traits that represent her personality and character.

Circle of Parents Support Groups are professionally facilitated peer led support groups. The groups use the mutual self-help support model. A trained group facilitator and parent leader facilitate the support groups. Trust, reciprocity, and leadership are the core principles of the Circle of Parents Model.  Circles are one aspect of PCAVT’s Family Support Programs department along with Nurturing Parenting Programs and Strengthening Families Programs. These services provide parents with multiple ways to receive support.

Parents who come to support groups count on each other to listen openly, respond honestly and always act with compassion. Parents know that all information shared in the support group is confidential and never discussed outside the group setting, within the limits of the law. All parents have the choice of anonymity in the support group.

Parents provide non-judgmental support to one another. Parents are the experts about their own families and their own children. Together, parents learn from one another about ways to strengthen their families.

The support group belongs to the parents who attend. Parents determine the content of meetings and agenda, they define their own goals in the group, model healthy interactions, ensure meetings take place consistently, set individual goals, and act on their decisions. These groups are funded by Vermont Department for Children and Families, Vermont Department of Health, and the many generous Vermont businesses and individuals who donate.

Tonnie Cantore, National Parent of the Year

To understand just how special this award is, you may want to know a bit more about Tonnie. She is a survivor of domestic violence and is raising her son completely on her own. She is a strong advocate for women and children. She serves on the Advisory Committee for The Family Place. Additionally, she spoke as a panelist, in person, at PCAVT’s Annual Meeting inspiring our guests, volunteers, board of directors, and our entire staff with her leadership, commitment, and resilience. Tonnie continually perseveres through trying times related to finances, transportation, higher education, relationships, and parenting her amazing and behaviorally challenging young son.

What stands out about Tonnie is the empathy and understanding that she provides for the other moms in the group. She openly and vulnerably shares her story with beautiful articulation revealing incredible experiences that equipped her with immense knowledge and understanding that she compassionately provides to others. Tonnie always offers her ear and her heart to the mothers that attend our circle. She goes the extra mile to find resources and makes herself available whenever possible. She reaches out to other members of the group to check in after an absence and is happy to facilitate the group if needed. The participants in the group express immense gratitude for the group and the support that Tonnie offers. Tonnie goes above and beyond, spending extra time after group with participants as needed , supporting and giving them hope in some of the darkest times in their lives.

We are immensely proud to announce Tonnie Cantore as the National Parent of the Year for Circle of Parents, an award given to parents who demonstrate love, service, and dedication to their family and community.  Congratulations Tonnie!

If Tonnie’s story inspired you, you can join a Circle or other Family Support Program, contact PCAVT at 1-800-CHILDREN or chat with us confidentially at pcavt.org.