How To Soothe A Crying Baby — Prevent Child Abuse Vermont

 10 Ways to Soothe a Crying Baby

  1. Meet the baby’s basic needs: Is the baby hungry, need a diaper change, or be burped? Is the baby too hot or too cold? Check the clothing for comfort.

  2. Is the baby sick? Check the baby’s temperature. Is it 100.5° or over? Is there vomiting or diarrhea? If so, call your doctor.

  3. Hold the baby close and gently massage.

  4. Rock, walk or dance with your baby, or try a swing or bouncy chair.

  5. Sing and or talk to your baby.

  6. Hold baby and breathe slowly and calmly. The baby may feel your calmness and become quiet.

  7. Lower any surrounding noise or lights

  8. Walk the baby outside in a stroller or take a ride in the car.

  9. Call a friend or relative you can trust to take care of the baby.

  10. When nothing else works, put the baby down in a safe secure place such as a crib, give yourself a break and leave the room. Check on the baby every 5-10 minutes.

Always remember: No baby has ever died from crying.