Let’s not forget…
Even as I am wishing Happy Holidays to friends and family, I am reminded of people old, not so old and yes, even young who have died senselessly from the corona virus. They must be remembered.
These tragedies are a reminder to me to hold our loved ones close, cherish them and celebrate and encourage them every chance we get. As parents, grandparents, mentors, foster parents and friends we have an important role to play every day. Kindness counts big time. We are called to move away from judging one another and toward finding ways to reach out and show even with a small gesture that we see them and care.
These are principles to live, model for all our children and youth and remember in small interactions and large. This is the “revolution” of the sixties, for those grandparents reading this blog and it is the way to bring a safer world into being that parents and caregivers can make real.
Take care of your mental and physical health in 2021 and build the world we want our children and grandchildren to inherit.
Happy Holidays.