Adjusting to Life with a New Baby During COVID-19

Who would have imagined they would be bringing home their newborn during a pandemic? The answer is no one!

Given how unsettling having a newborn during a pandemic is, our stress levels can soar.  Though self-care is always important for parents of newborns, it is vital for new parents right now!  If you are a parent of an infant, consider making daily plans, going outdoors, taking care of your body, eating well and getting sleep as best you can and when you can.

Here are some baby care tips:

·         If your baby, or toddler, is crying, check their diaper, offer food, distract them by taking them outside, sing to them, sway or rock them.  Babies love the combination of sound and movement.  

·         Remember that babies cry.  If their crying becomes overwhelming for you, set them down in a safe place and take a break.  If you’re attempting to settle a toddler, distraction may be your best choice.  Toddlers have short attention spans so distract them by changing your surroundings, offering a toy – just make a change.

·         Be sure to meet your own needs during this time of isolation.

·         If you need support, call a friend, 1-800-CHILDREN, 211 or your pediatrician.

·         Try to keep a routine for you AND your baby.  It can really help add some normalcy to your household during this stressful time.

·         Always remember to reach out to others!

·         Join a support group for parents. Call 211 or 1-800-Children to find out about support groups.

·         Seek out a home visitor; even a virtual one can make a difference! Call 211, Visiting Nurses, Vermont Department of Health or Good Beginnings.

This time shall pass and you will have lots of stories to tell your child when they are older. Meanwhile, remember, you are not alone…

We are available for support around parenting issues. Call the Vermont Parent's Helpline at 1-800-CHILDREN (800-244-5373) for questions about parenting or if you would like to join an online support group or parenting program.

Check out our COVID-19 Parent & Caregiver Guide, the Vermont Parents Home Companion and Resource Directory, and other resources on our website (